The 6 L’s of Effective Job Hunting

3 min readAug 23, 2020
  1. Leave sleep-ins for the weekend

If you find yourself suddenly unemployed, one of the best things you can do is to keep up your routine. Even though you don’t have a job to wake up to, you’ll feel more disciplined to apply for jobs if you stick to a routine. Dedicate a space to job searching. Apply for jobs during the hours you’d normally be working, like 9AM-5PM. Take lunch breaks as you normally would, exercise as per normal and switch off at night with your normal wind-down routine. When you are looking for work during that 9–5 period, make sure you’re free from distractions — pretend you’re sitting across from a manager who is monitoring your productivity. Not only will you pump out heaps of applications, but you’ll take advantage of the day. The best way to convince yourself you can achieve a goal is by consistently working at it.

2. Like, share and connect on LinkedIn

Did you know when you interact with your connections on LinkedIn, your actions have a ripple effect? Your name (and position title) is spread through your network’s connections. The amount of people that see your name is WAY more than any other social media platform to-date. It’s also a platform that’s used to fill 90% of jobs. If you want your name in the mix to get headhunted alongside your job application efforts, fix up your LinkedIn profile and get interacting! Connect with people relevant to your industry — even if you’ve never spoke to them. This is a professional network, and they are called ‘connections’ not ‘friends’ for a reason. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to recruiters and decision-makers in an attempt to find a job — just like you would at any networking event!

3. List your key performance indicators (KPIs)

In any sales role, there are always KPIs to reach. The reason KPIs exist is because companies have worked out the minimum effort required to get results. They work off the notion:

>action = > opportunities

It’s a numbers game! If, in sales, it takes 10 cold-calls to get 1 sale, and you need to make 5 sales a week, you know how many calls to make.

Treat your job hunting like a numbers game. The more applications you make, the more you’ll increase your chance of being hired. However, the quality is highly important here as well. So if you make 3 -5 specifically tailored, proof-read applications per day, you will have a great chance of getting a phone call.

Another element of KPI’s are the fact that they are reviewed often. If you get to the end of the week and you haven’t received a phone call, retrace your steps. Figure out if the numbers you’ve set are appropriate. Look back through your applications and see what might have been missing. Adopt a ‘continuous improvement’ mindset to make sure every application counts.

4. Liaise with employers

Aren’t you sick of seeing all those rejection emails? The worst thing about them is that you can’t even tell what elements are lacking in your application. A fantastic way to overcome these hurdles are by contacting the employer. There’s no harm in speaking with the Talent team to find out what your résumé was missing in order to warrant a call. You’ll be able to gather first-hand intel to help with all future applications, whilst also leaving a great impression on the recruiter/hiring manager.

5. Lift yourself up on purpose

Exercise every morning. Listen to a TED talk about success. Read a biography on someone you idolise. Go for walks every lunch time. Meditate before bed. Do WHATEVER you need to to feel motivated during this time! You’re going to have days where you feel defeated — don’t let this become your normalcy. Saturate your environment with uplifting thoughts so that when you do get rejections or things go wrong, you know how to pick yourself up because you’ve made it a part of every day life!

6. Leave nothing to chance

DON’T apply for a job unless you tailor your application.

DON’T go into an interview without having pre-read the job advertisement.

DON’T send referees that you haven’t spoken to before hand.

DON’T go into salary negotiation without researching what you’re worth.

At every step, DON’T wing it. Do your homework and take back the power! You’ll feel less anxious and be able to leave a lasting impression.

