2020 has been a challenging year! As with all challenges, however, it presents opportunities for growth. We’ve identified the most in-demand skills of 2020:
Life can throw you curve balls — take this pandemic as an example. Employers are looking for people who demonstrate an ability to handle change and find ways of maintaining productivity. When employees are adaptable, they are better at handling challenges and stay ahead of the curve. They‘re more open to new concepts and keep the success of the project front-of-mind; they don’t worry about how the result will be achieved, they focus on getting to the achievement in whatever means necessary.
Emotional Intelligence
Are you professional when things get stressful? Do you listen to people in the workplace and allow the expression of views openly? Employers want their workers to show professionalism throughout everyday activities. We are all stressed and working to deadlines, so having a coworker who criticises and complains can add an unnecessary load of exhaustion. Emotional intelligence breeds compassion and understanding. It allows people to express their thoughts without judgement, which can lead to more creative work. It can also lead to building relationships outside of work, as emotionally intelligent people show each other respect. This strengthens the dynamic during work time as well — essentially a win-win for everyone.
Employers want to know they can trust you to do the right thing, particularly whilst working from home. You’re not always going to be monitored and your actions at work have a huge impact on the success of the entire business. If you don’t act with integrity, you might be undermining others or inflating the success of your own work. Obviously, these are not appealing traits to an employer and the sooner you show that you’re someone who is honest and ethical, the better your relationship with your employer will be.
What actions have you taken during these difficult times to keep pushing forward? Have you started a new course or changed your approach to working remotely? Employers want to see whether you can take the hits and keep going. Why is this so important? Because every single job will present challenges. Resilience demonstrates that you can handle the tough times and come out on the other side. You won’t leave the organisation when things don’t go smoothly, thereby demonstrating your long-term commitment.
Cultural fit is important because it leads to collaboration. Collaboration is important because it harnesses the best ideas to deliver the best outcomes. If you can collaborate, you will help the employer succeed. Showing that you can collaborate indicates that you can problem-solve and are willing to learn from others. It also highlights that you are not threatened by others and can utilise everyone’s best skills to reach a goal.
If you’d like to learn how you can Get The Job, the one you’ve always wanted, visit www.getthejobaustralia.com.au